Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy 2011 everyone!  

This holiday season was crazy busy for us, but some of the fun highlights included:

 Baking tons of sugar cookies (and eating all of them before even having a chance to frost them).

Decorating a tree (and having Charlie only eat three of the ornaments this year, instead of several ornaments plus the lights).

Finally having a fireplace to hang stockings from!

We headed out to Utah this year and spent 4 days skiing.  We were fortunate enough to arrive there just as it was getting hit by a winter storm that dropped 7 feet of snow in 2 days.  In a word: heaven. 

We spent Christmas Eve at our friend Charlie's cabin up at Alta.  We had to hike through the aforementioned 7 feet of snow to get there, breaking trail on fresh bootpack the entire way.  Here's the view from his front porch just after we arrived:

It was worth it just to see this sunset:

And the Christmas morning sunrise:

I hope that everyone had a very happy holiday season and that 2011 finds you all happy, healthy, and well!


jessikahsd said...

Ha ha ha - Holly, you crack me up! The secret is rolling the dough pretty thin, but it is a fine line, because if it's too thin they burn.

Julie said...

I was going to ask the SAME thing! Do you make your own dough or use a pre-made sugar cookie dough? Mine always spread when baked and are unrecognizable when I take them out.

jessikahsd said...

I always make my dough from scratch, so maybe that's it? I use this recipe from Alton Brown (I always use soy milk instead of regular cow's milk and it turns out just fine):